发布日期:2019-04-11 点击量:
《食品营养与健康》是研究食品、营养与人类健康关系的科学,是一门与日常生活有密切关系的课程。通过本课程的学习,使学生了解各类食品的化学组分、营养特点,在生产、加工、烹饪和储藏过程中食物营养成分的变化,以及食品搭配、食物安全、合理膳食等与人们的健康息息相关的知识,培养学生了解现代营养科学知识以及人们合理营养需要,使大学生更加关注自身的日常饮食、养成健康的生活习惯,为以后的生活、工作打下良好的基础。 |
Food nutrition and health is a study of physiological effects of food nutritional components and other biologically active substances on human health. The course includes nutritional knowledge such as traditional nutrients and foods biologically active phytochemicals. The students could get the basic theory, practical application knowledge, and advanced research progress in the field food nutrition. It will improve the student analysis and problem solving ability to a great extent. |