1)绪论(2学时):学习食品、营养、卫生、健康的基本概念,了解合理营养与健康的关系 (Introduction: Study basic concept of food, nutrition, health. Understand the relationship between nutrition and health) 2)食品的消化与吸收(2学时):学习人体消化系统的组成,了解食品在人体中的消化方式 (Food digestion: Recognize the composition of digestion system and discuss its related mechanism) 3)食品中的化学成分(6学时):学习碳水化合物、脂类、蛋白质、维生素、水合矿物质的功能 (Food chemical components: Study carbohydrate, lipid, protein, vitamins, water and mineral functionality) 4)世界各地食品的营养与保健功能(6学时):学习世界各地食品(如谷物、薯类、豆类、动物性食品、蔬菜、水果等)的营养特性和功能特性 (Global food nutrient and functionality: Recognize global food functionality, such as cereal, tubers, beans, meat, vegetable and fruits) 5)加工及储藏工艺对食品营养成分的影响(4学时):学习不同加工及储藏工艺对碳水化合物、脂类、蛋白质、维生素、水和矿物质的影响 (Effects of storage on the food nutrients: Study the effects of storage and processing on the properties of carbohydrate, lipid, protein, vitamins and water) 6)饮食与美容(4学时):学习饮食与皮肤、头发、形体健康的关系,了解常用的天然美容食品 (Food and beauty: Study the relationship between food and skin, hair and body.) 7)饮食与疾病(4学时):学习饮食与心血管疾病、消化系统疾病、神经系统疾病、癌症的关系 (Food and disease: Study the relationship between food and heart disease, digestion disease and cancer) 8)合理营养与膳食指南(4学时):学习不同人群的营养结构、了解中国居民平衡膳食指南 (Dietary guidelines: Study various nutritional structure of different groups, recognize dietary guidelines) |