*课程简介(Description) | (中文300-500字,含课程性质、主要教学内容、课程教学目标等) 课程性质:集“植物学、历史、地理、文学和艺术欣赏”为一体的通识教育类课程。 教学内容及目标: 1.教学内容:以国花、市花与花文化鉴赏为主线,采用理论授课、实习(践)、课堂讨论等多种教学手段并举,通过神话故事、历史传说、诗词歌赋、绘画及小说和歌曲等形式,赏析世界“五大”洲50多个国家国花和中国30多个城市市花: (1)花文化概述 →(2)国花、市花设立现状概述→(3)亚洲重要国花鉴赏→(4)美洲重要国花鉴赏→(5)欧洲重要国花鉴赏→(6)非洲重要国花鉴赏→(7)大洋洲国花鉴赏→(8)中国“双国花”倡议及小组辩论赛→(9)中国重要城市市花鉴赏。 2.教学目标:从科学、历史、政治、经济、宗教文化、艺术多学科视角综合解读国花、市花背后所承载的丰富的花文化内涵,并通过插花实践、校园“寻找国花、市花知识竞赛”、课程论文写作等形式提高学生的人文、科学素养、艺术审美能力及语言表达与合作交流能力。 |
*课程简介(Description) | (英文300-500字) National Flower is the symbol of the country or nationality, which plays an important role to inspire people to love one’s home country, nature and greening of the city. City Flowers are the kinds of ornamental plants with high-appreciative values and loved deeply by the local people. There are more than 98 countries in the world and 167 cities in China have their own national or city flowers till now, how ever, China is the only one that has not have her own national flower yet. This course will have 9 topics to introduce more than 50 national﹠30 City Flowers, such as England rose, Japanese flowering cherry, Dutch tulip, France lily, American fairy rose(Beijing and Tianjin city flowers). Yulan Magnolia(shanghai city flower) and red-flowered bauhinia in Hong Kong will be concerned as the most important city flowers. Therefore, the proposal of Chinese double-flowers (Mume-plant and tree peony) and Rosa spp will be emphasis in this course. In class, the teacher will give the topic and key words firstly, and then, the students can give some ideas about this kind of national flower by the group discussion, for example, his history, culture, poem, film etc. The cutting flower experiment will be arranged and go to the campus or Shanghai Jiao Tong University botanical garden for the flower recognition. The course will have 36 class hours and 2 credits, in which covers the student’s discussion in class, experiment of flower application and course paper at the final semester. The purpose of this course will focus on the increase of the students’ abilities for the art appreciation, critical thinking, communication skills and Cooperation ability. |
*学习目标(Learning Outcomes) | 1.了解国花、市花的概念、设立标准和现状,分析设立过程中存在的共性问题问题 2. 从国花、市花的形态特征、生物学、生态学特性上,理解国花、市花选设的科学性; 2.通过授课、课堂讨论和阅读学会多角度运用多学科知识掌握国花、市花设立的规律; 3.通过创意插花设计、植物鲜叶标本压制等实践环节提升学生的艺术创造力;通过多媒体汇报和课程论文写作培养同学间的合作交流、语言表达和计算机软件使用等综合能力; 4.通过校园标本园“寻找国花、市花”知识竞赛,检测学生对课堂理论知识等掌握程度。 |
*教材或参考资料(Textbooks & Other Materials) | (必含信息:教材名称,作者,出版社,出版年份,版次,书号) 1. 中国城市市花.秦燕主编,华夏出版社,1989年,ISBN 7-80053-740-4/J.056 2. 中国市花,哀建国,管康林编著,中国农业出版社,2013年,ISBN978- 7-109-17212-8 3. 世界国花与名花.陈策主编,广东科技出版社,2007年,ISBN978- 7-5399-4242-5 4. 世界各国国花国树.张淑梅主编,重庆出版社,2006年,ISBN978- 7-5366-7807-1 5. 花与中国文化.何小颜著,人民出版社,1999年,ISBN 7-01-002735-8/G.133 |