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发布日期:2019-03-26    点击量:

(中文300-500字,含课程性质、主要教学内容、课程教学目标等) 土木工程直接关乎人类的衣食住行,是重大的民生问题。《土木工程探秘与实践》公共选修课介绍土木工程的内容、作用、特色,回顾土木工程非凡历史,探讨土木工程未来,帮助学生树立“大土木”概念和与时俱进的发展观,了解土木工程所涉及的宏大范围、伟大成就、当今新发展和未来新境界。促进树立土木工程情怀:土之载地,木以擎天,土木工程,天地之间,民之所依,国之所需,人类不息,土木永远。课程特点是以工程概论和科学工程观为线索,介绍土木工程的主要分支学科、主要层面,主要包括:中国土木工程简史和伟大工程、世界土木工程的简史和伟大工程;卓越土木工程师素养、能力和知识;简明介绍建筑工程,桥梁工程,公路工程,铁路工程,隧道工程,机场工程,港口工程,土木工程材料,地基与基础工程,土木工程防灾与减灾;阐明土木工程中的力学与结构概念,建设项目管理与施工组织等;介绍数字化智能化技术在土木工程中的应用。从大视角充分反映土木工程的综合性、社会性及其在技术、经济与管理方面的统一性,并在工程教育过程中告诉学生从事土木工程专业的思想和方法。课程教学目标是师生互动、激发学生探究性学习,对学生进行综合培养和训练,为后继学习打好基础;培养学生围绕土木工程,敢于和善于发现与提出问题、运用相关知识解决问题。 (英文300-500字) CIVIL ENGINEERING: EXPLORATION AND PRACTICE Civil engineering is a major livelihood issue directly related to the basic necessities of human life. This public elective, ‘THE EXPLORATION AND PRACTICE OF CIVIL ENGINEERING’, will introduce the contents, functions, features of Civil Engineering, review its extraordinary history and explore its promising future. This course will also help students establish a developing concept of General Civil Engineering Major and get familiar with its grand scope, great achievements, current developments and future potentials. Taking the engineering introduction and scientific engineering concept as the clue, this course will introduce the main branches and aspects of Civil Engineering, including:  A brief history of Civil Engineering and the outstanding projects in China as well as those around the world  The quality, ability and knowledge that an excellent civil engineer should have  Introducing construction engineering, building materials, bridge engineering, highway engineering, railway engineering, tunnel engineering, airport engineering, port engineering, ground and foundation engineering, disaster prevention and mitigation  Mechanical and structural concepts of Civil Engineering  The applications of digital, intelligent technologies in Civil Engineering  Construction projects management and construction organizations In this course, the comprehensiveness, sociality and unity among technology, economics and management of civil engineering will be reflected from a wide view. During the engineering education, students will be taught the essential concepts and methods of civil engineering. The goal of the course is to strengthen the interaction between teachers and students, to inspire students to explore new things and to train students comprehensively, which can build solid foundations for subsequent learning. Meanwhile, this course is also aimed to encourage students to discover and raise new questions, apply corresponding knowledge to solve practical problems in the field of civil engineering.
