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发布日期:2015-04-10    点击量:

这是由旅居美国多年的重量级学者联袂开讲的一门关于美国社会与文化的课程。主讲专家有丰富的在美国高校执教和从事研究的经历。学者们基于自身对美国社会与文化的深刻体会和多年来的学术积淀,从美国政治、美国社会、美国文化、美国对外政策、美国的媒体以及美国的宗教做一全景的剖析,旨在让同学们了解一个真实的美国,同时,对美国社会当前发生的热点问题做出理性思考与判断。 This is a joint teaching course presented by a group of prominent returned Chinese American scholars in American Studies. All of the scholars have rich research and teaching experience in America, and they will share their insightful observation and understanding of American society from the perspective of its politics, economy, foreign policies, media and religion. All of the students will be expected to improve their capability in independent thinking and making objective evaluation.
