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发布日期:2015-04-09    点击量:

本课程并不打算系统讲解经济伦理理论沿革和学术体系,而是希望从伦理学理论角度,借助对实际案例的解析,引导学生运用伦理道德工具观察和解决现实经济生活中的伦理问题。通过对经济生活中的不符合伦理道德的现象进行深度剖析,分清伦理的层次性:底线伦理、共同信念和终极关怀。尤其是对于个体伦理的案例讨论,将引导学生深入思考“利益最大化”问题,针对学生的心灵误区,希望能够对他们成长过程中的所遭遇的困惑和疑虑给出一定的解决方向,以帮助学生建立一辈子做人的准则与尺度。 With the case analysis, this course is expected to help the students to understand the levels of Ethics: the bottom line of ethics, the common belief and ultimate concern; and guide the students to use the ethical tools to resolve the problems in their economic lives. While studying this course, the students are encouraged to think deeply about profit maximization and try their best to find the answers to the problems encountered in their lives.
