具体可访问 http ://eelab.sjtu.edu.cn/kc1 获取更多信息。
The Engineering Practice and Technological Innovation (Part 1) is a General Education Courses, in which a hands-on experience is the main teaching form. All undergraduate students could take part in this course, especially in their first and second grade.
Through the engineering, functionality and fun practice of combining research and system design practice, the aim of this course is to give studetns some important ideas, such as how to understand the problems between Theory and Practice, how to combine the software and hardware, how to coordinate the Multi-disciplinary and integrated.
By taking this course, students could improve their abilities of the active thinking, independent learning, the initiative to solve engineering problems in practice and independent research capacity and innovation awareness.
The website http://eelab.sjtu.edu.cn/kc1 would provide other information on the course.