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发布日期:2014-04-04    点击量:

引导学生阅读中国现代诗人的一些重要诗歌作品,如胡适、周作人、徐志摩、卞之琳、废名、戴望舒、穆旦、冯至、余光中、郑愁予、洛夫等,通过对这些诗人经典作品的细致分析和深入解读,让学生了解中国现代诗歌发展的历史脉络及基本艺术特征,辨析它与中国古典诗歌以及西方现代诗歌之间的区别与联系,从而对中国现代诗歌这一独特的文学领域有一定程度的认识,在此基础之上,对中国现代文学乃至现代思想文化有更深入的理解和体认。同时,也希望学生在经典的阅读中,怡情养性,获得审美的享受和情志的熏陶,并能逐渐提高其文学艺术鉴赏力,培养一定的诗性思维能力。 This course is to guide students to read deeply and analyze in detailed some classical poets written by those important modern Chinese poets such as Hu Shi, Zhou Zuoren, Xu Zhimo, Bian Zhilin, Fei Ming, Dai Wangshu, Mu Dan, Feng Zhi, Yu Guangzhong, Zheng Chouyu, Luo Fu and so on, to understand the historical development of modern Chinese Poetry and its artistic principle, to realize the relationship between modern Chinese poetry and the classical Chinese poetry and modern west poetry, and thus to have a better awareness and knowledge of this special literature field and even the whole modern Chinese literature and modern Chinese thought. It also aims to help students to enjoy the aesthetic and emotional nurturing, to increase their appreciation of literature and art, to develop a certain degree of poetic thinking power.
