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发布日期:2013-03-25    点击量:

积极心理学是一门涉及生命从开始到结束各个阶段的学科,它是心理学崭新的一块领域。积极心理学有三大基石:第一是研究积极情绪;第二是研究积极特质,其中最主要的是优势和美德;第三是研究积极组织系统。 《积极心理学》课程的目标是帮助学生发掘自身具有的优势与潜能,激发学生自身积极向上的力量,从而克服现实中的诱惑和困难,让学生对自己、对生活充满希望和乐观,有生活目标,体验成功和成长的快乐与价值感。通过本课程的学习,学生能够明白内在的幸福而非外在的物质追求才是人生的终极目标,帮助学生树立正确的幸福观,学生能够正确地认识自己,能够合理地调控自己的情绪情感,逐步养成从正向角度看事情的心态,促进学生身心健康,提升幸福感,逐步影响感染他人,并在积极心态推动下达成人生目标。提倡发挥学生学习的主动性,通过学习和体验探讨积极的特质和素质,比如像善良、乐观、好奇的性格特点以及团队合作的能力等,还有价值观、兴趣、天分和才能等,以及能够承载美好生活的人生构成:快乐和有意义。 本课程的主要内容是积极心理学导论、幸福论、乐观与悲观、认识自己、接纳自己、身心健康、兴趣、能力和成就及和谐关系。 Positive psychology is a subject involving life from the beginning to the end of every stage. It is a new field of psychology. Positive psychology has three cornerstones: the first is to study positive emotions; the second is to study positive traits, most of which are strengths and virtues; the third is to study positive organizational system. "Positive psychology" the goal of this course is to help students to explore their own potential advantages and has, stimulate the students' positive force, so as to overcome the temptation and difficulties in reality, let the students on their own, full of hope and optimism about life and have a goal in life, experience the joy and value of work and the sense of growing up. Through this course, students can understand the inner happiness rather than external material pursuit is the ultimate goal of life, help students to establish a correct concept of happiness, the students can correctly understand themselves, to reasonably regulate their emotions, and gradually develop from the perspective of positive things attitude, promote students' physical and mental health and enhance happiness, gradually affect others, and reach a goal in life to promote positive attitude. To promote students' learning initiative, through learning and experience to explore the positive qualities and qualities, such as kindness, optimism, curious personality and teamwork ability, and values, interests, talents and abilities, and life can carry better life: happy and meaningful. The main contents of this course are introduction of positive psychology, happiness theory, optimism and pessimism, recognition of oneself, acceptance of oneself, physical and mental health, interest, ability, achievement and harmonious relationship.
